Age Profiles of Housing Stock is an open data product from Datadaptive that contains comparative measures and mapping derived from small area statistics published by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). Please see the Underlying Data Products list for details and attribution of all data sources used in the lookup tool.

The underlying VOA statistics were published in June 2023 and cover all domestic properties with a Council Tax band at the end of March 2023. VOA has rounded the property counts for each build period to the nearest 10 to reflect inherent uncertainty and variability in the data collection process. Datadaptive has aggregated single-year build periods for years from 2009 on.

VOA has no records of dwellings having been built between 1939 and 1945 due to the Second World War. The build period is unknown for about 0.9% of properties overall. For the purpose of assigning percentages to each build period Datadaptive has used the total number of properties for which the build period is known.

LSOA boundaries shown in the lookup tool are generalised.


Enter a full postcode (e.g. GU52 0YB) or LSOA code (e.g. E01013939):